Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Satanism Rears It's Ugly Head... Again

It seems that wherever the President goes, someone is bound to throw a satanic gang signal. Check this photo at Wonkette, from the Naval Academy Graduation, of all things. The young lady is throwing the "horns" with her hand, and doing the tongue thing with her mouth.

Oh, you mean it's not a satanic symbol? It must be a culture of life thang, then.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Who Knew The Mark of the Beast Would Be "HP"?

Ladies and gentleman, here it is, the Apocalypse begineth, courtesy a joint venture between Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard: HP Announces New National Identity System Solution Built on Microsoft .NET Platform.

That sound you're hearing? The Bill of Rights going up in flames.

Do you think I'm being alarmist about this? "We already have passports issued by the Federal Government", you argue. Fine, I say. Don't be alarmed. Just check with me in about 20 years... your opinion will definitely be different then.

More later...

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

How Did We Lose $8.8 Billion in Iraq?

First off, I'm not totally convinced Ariana Huffington's so-called "Hollywood Blog", The Huffington Post, is such a bad thing. I've checked it out twice now, and both times I've read some pretty good articles. Here's one by Al Franken, and he brings up such a good point, it's kind of frightening: he's trying to figure out why no one on Capital Hill seems to be aware that the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq has "misplaced" $8.8 Billion.

Yes, that's BILLION. Of your taxpayer dollars. Gone, without an apparent trace.

More later...
Now THIS Guy Really Tells It Like It Is!

I've got to hand it to this guy,The Rude Pundit... he really knows how to tackle an issue and explain it in terms that anyone can understand, as long as one doesn't mind a bit of profanity.

His column yesterday was on torture, and he really brought the issue home by penning a vivid description of what it would be like if the funny guys in the old "Hogan's Heroes" TV sitcom were treated like we treat our prisoners in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib. Chilling.

I will be linking to him often.

More later...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Talk About Out Of Context

I don't know much about Mexican President Vincente Fox, but after read this brief story, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean his comment to be a slam on African Americans.

According to the article, last week Fox said Mexican immigrants do jobs "that not even blacks want to do there in the United States." Fox made the comment in a speech to visiting Texan business people on Friday, because he was frustrated at stalling by the U.S. Congress on immigration reforms that would help undocumented Mexicans in America.

The U.S. State Department then urged Fox to clarify the "very insensitive and inappropriate remarks."

Could this be the same State Department that is currently "urging" Congress to confirm the nomination of John Bolton, someone who people claim makes a lot of "very insensitive and inappropriate remarks" himself?

Fox may have betrayed his view of African Americans in his comment, but it's very clear to me that further denigrating us was not the intent of his words. It's just hilarious that the State Department's pot dares open it's mouth about Fox's kettle.

More later...

Thursday, May 12, 2005

The War On Drugs... Against Our Own Troops

Here's a heartwarming little tale about U.S. soldiers and law enforcement personnel gettng caught in an FBI sting operation for taking bribes from cocaine traffickers. One INS inspector even allowed a truck carrying 88 POUNDS of cocaine across the border without inspecting it... TWICE.

In case you may have forgotten, 88 pounds of blow can make a LOT of crack. A LOT of crack can undermine an entire community.

Rest in peace, Gary Webb.

More later...

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Bush Administration Faked Terror Alerts

Okay, that headline is slightly misleading, I'll admit. But it amounts to a hill of beans compared to what the Bush Administration was doing with regard to those color-coded terror "alerts". The USA Today is reporting that former Dept. of Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge is now claiming that the Bush Administration regularly put the country on higher alert status, even when he disagreed with the assessment.

Pretty damning stuff, if you ask me. But ultimately, what will we, as a nation, do about it? Impeach the president?

Hey, a guy can dream, can't I?

More later...
If Only They Were This Good Back In '01...

Did you hear that the Capital and the White House were evacuated today, and jet fighters were scrambled into the skies over Washington, D.C. when an unidentified airplane entered restricted airspaceover the Nation's Capital?

My, how those staunch defenders must be proud of their bold, decisive action. My, how we needed them to be just half as effective back in September, 2001. Just think of how many lives they could have saved, had they acted then with the same efficiency that they did today.

Of course, today's threatening airplane was a small private plane, and not a commercial jetliner. But the point remains the same: today, we did good. Back in 2001, we were humiliatingly, fatally bad. And as of this writing, not a single one of the people in charge of our air defenses on 9/11 have been so much as reprimanded for their failure to do their jobs. But I bet they're handing out "attaboys" today.

More later...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

So The State Relinquished It's Claim

The Florida Dept. of Children & Families said it will NOT appeal a court's ruling that allows that 13-year-old to have an abortion.

The story notes that the child, a ward of the state, became pregnant after she ran away from the state-licensed group home where she lived.

"The constitutional right belongs to the child, and it belongs to the child even if the parents object," said Mary Coombs, a family law professor at the University of Miami. "In this case, DCF didn't have any more right than the parents."

Would someone in the media please address the underlying issue: why did the poor kid run away in the first place?

More later...

Monday, May 02, 2005

The State Intervenes A Little Too Late?

What the heck is going on with personal rights in Florida? First Terry Schiavo, now this, a story about how a judge has prevented a 13-year-old girl from getting an abortion. And Florida is a state in which minors DO NOT need parental permission for abortions!

Let me make it clear: I am not in favor of abortions, but as a pro-choice advocate, I recognize them as legitimate options for pregnant women. The article reports that it was "Florida's department of children and families intervened and took the matter to court, arguing the teenager, who is under the care of the state, is too young and immature to make an informed medical decision." The judge, apparently, agreed.

The picture becomes a little clearer. The obvious question, how did the child become impregnated, is answered: she was under the care of the state. And what a great job they apparently did.

More later...