Our regular readers (basically, me!) will have noticed a few changes on the site. We've recently upgraded our server space to allow for multiple pages and images.
This page will be the "home" page, and will contain general comments on the state of life. The other pages will feature topic-driven commentary. Currently there is a Television page and a Politics page. Coming soon: Movies, Sports, Fashion and...? Well, you'll just have to come back and see.
Our team is slowly growing as well. WadeMC, from somewhere deep in Texas (don't mess with 'em!) has posted his thoughts on the HBO series, "The Sopranos". Hopefully we'll soon hear from the other members of the team.
Also note the "ServuStat" logo on the top of the home page. If you click on the logo, you'll be able to see how many visitors we've had, along with a bevy of other information. Try it, it's fun!
Thanks for dropping by, and as always, feel free to tell us what you think...because we're CERTAINLY going to tell you what WE think!
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