Wednesday, February 25, 2004

This guy is cruising for a bruising.

Keeping in mind the fact that the Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE entity that does not answer to the U.S. Government in ANY way, what do you think about this gem:Yahoo! News - Greenspan: U.S. May Need to Trim Retiree Benefits

Soooooo, how in heck does this guy get the nerve to say this stuff? He wants to raise the retirement age AND reduce future benefits? Look, for the most part, if we're age 40 or younger, there's NO WAY we'll ever see any decent Social Security benefits when we reach so-called "retirement age". The problem is this: if we won't benefit from SS, WHY should we PAY INTO IT?

If these fools keep talking this madness, they're going to see a revolt the likes of which have not been seen in this country since the days of the Revolutionary War.

More later...

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