Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Take as much time as you need, Mr. President.

Can you believe that Bush told the 9/11 investigation committee that he would only give them ONE HOUR to question him about the events that happened that day? And only after pressure from his presidential opponent did he agree to give them more time: Bush Might Be Questioned Longer by 9/11 Commission

This is the President of the United States, right? The Commander in Chief. The man behind the wheel of the most powerful country on the planet, the man in charge on that fateful day...the same man who chose to read to a classroom full of children, rather than give orders to shoot down those hijacked aircraft BEFORE they could crash into the buildings.

Okay, no one knows what Bush was thinking when he was informed that the country was under attack...all we know is that he decided to stay with the children for a few more minutes. But that's what the commission is supposed to do: ask questions and find out WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED!

C'mon Mr. President. Take your time, you don't have to rush through this.

More later...

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