Time to turn a New Leaf.
I've been thinking, and I know that may alarm some of you, but I've been thinking that my posts have been too negative. I mean, I'm just responding to the wackiness in the world, and a lot of this so-called wackiness is just bad stuff. So it would seem that a negative comment or two would be called for. But I don't think it helps the world to continue to put negative energy out there. So I have decided it's time for a change.
From this date forward, I am going to focus on positive events, people and places. Instead of a scathing review of a P.O.S. moview, I'll try to write about whatever good I can find in the film, and if I can't find any good, then I'll forego the review entirely.
From now on, if I can't say something good about President Bush, then I won't say anything at all. You can count on not reading much about Bush here, then.
This change in approach started when I was feeling inundated with the Reagan funeral coverage. I am not, and have never been, a fan of Ronald Reagan, so you can imagine that I have plenty of negative things to say about the man. But I will leave that to others. The best thing that I can say about the former President is "a lot of people seemed to like him." I'll just leave it at that.
Let's see where this new philosophy takes us.
More later...
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