Monday, December 29, 2003

Just thinking

Just want to say, had a great year, next year will be better. My daughters are growing, and I love to just sit and watch them. I just can't imagine the day they don't need me anymore.

The Supercross season kicks off in 5 days. I have a new team. Racing. Can't wait to get to the Stadium on Thursday. Like being home again, and shedding skin all at the same time. The seasons go so fast. I do what I love, I am lucky. My wife is my best friend and stands beside me through thick and thin. I am really lucky. My daughters are completely healthy and normal. I am truly blessed.

Every year about this time, people look forward, talking about the new, big change they are going to make in the new year; out of debt, find love, quit smoking, drinking or doing drugs. They are going to reconnect with their parents. They are going to take a romantic vacation to someplace far away. They are going to quit their jobs and move up into the mountains. You name it, because right now, someone somewhere is thinking about it.

Not sure what any of it truly means. Maybe your just never really satisfied with where you are in life. You should of turned left instead of right that day 15 years ago. What "if " you would not have accepted that job on the other coast or region? Where would you be now? Just thoughts I guess. The same thoughts you get after spending about 24 hours in your hometown, "nothing has changed here at what time does my plane leave..maybe I can catch an earlier flight". Then as you take off, you almost feel guilty. Wishing you would of spent more time with your parents and siblings, old friends and forgotten enemies. However, you are where you are and did what you did. Something about the grass being greener, but it's not.

I guess what I am trying to say, I'm not going to do any New Year's type resolutions, illusions, or delusions. I think all us of would love to change some things. I also think that we are very lucky and blessed in many ways. Not with the possession of material objects, not at all. In the long run, anything material is completely useless. You have people that love you, have people with whom you love. You have your health, and you have your brain. People move Armies with less. Try and find a happy place within yourself. Go there when things get tough, or stressed. Drink a little juice or a glass of milk, then get a good nights sleep. Start everyday with a little humility. You will have another good year. I will too.

Don't let politics, world affairs, city, county or state ordinances, religion, the weather report, or the couple sitting next to you at lunch showing a little PDA get you down too much. They don't loose any sleep over us, why do them that favor? Don't let anything in which you can't directly effect bring you down. You can be active, and have a voice, but don't let it take over. You're no good to anyone, including yourself, at that point. And remember this, try and do something spontaneous every now and again. It keeps you young and full of life.

And please remember to call your mother. She truely misses you and loves you.

Here is to a great year.


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