Thursday, March 31, 2005

Et Tu, Mercedes?

A few months ago here, I commented on a story about General Motors recalling a massive number of cars. Well, now I have to take one of my favorite automakers to task for the same failing: Yahoo! News - DaimlerChrysler recalls 1.3 million cars to check for power problems

Actually, the "failing" is not the same; the Benzes are being recalled for electrical problems. On older models, this wouldn't be such a problem, but today's cars, particularly Mercedes, feature mission-critical electrical systems. An sudden electrical problem on the highway could result in a life-threatening loss of brakes, steering or other very important functions.

So while I'm glad DaimlerChrysler is fixing the problems, I have to give them the stink-eye for releasing these cars to the public in the first place. And the fact that they charge so damn much for the cars in the first place makes this error particularly egregious. If it's not build quality that you're paying top dollar for, what are you paying for?

More later...

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

More Wonders From the 'Star Wars' Folks...

As part of the so-called Missile Defense system, the brains behind the boondoggle have come up with the ultimate radar dish. It's so big that they have to post it in the middle of the ocean:U.S. to Float Giant Missile-Defense Radar to Alaska

This X-band radar array is supposed to help the Missile Defense system track incoming missiles and distinguish between decoys and the real mccoy. Well, if it works, that's all well and good. But it seems to me that a radar dish of this size would be rather vulnerable, particularly since it's sitting the in middle of the ocean! According to the article, it's the size of two football fields. That's a big target! Any country capable of launching an ICBM attack against us certainly has submarine's capable of stealthy attacks on this thing. But I'm sure the Pentagon has thought of that.

I hope.

More later...

Friday, March 25, 2005

Another Failed Presidential Candidate Tilts At Windmills...

What's going on today? Now Al Sharpton is calling for governmental interference... but at least it's not involving Terri Schiavo: Yahoo! News - Sharpton Complains to FCC About Rap Music

Of course, AP's headline is misleading... what else is new?... and I actually applaud the Reverend for taking on this issue. But he's not complaining about the music. He's taking the stand that rap artists involved in violent acts should be denied airplay on "radio and television for 90 days."

And I have to admit I like this next statement: He also urged the agency to fine and review the licenses of radio stations "that encourage a pattern of this, including allowing employees to do on-the-air inciting of violence."

Of course, he's referring to the shooting that occurred outside a New York radio station involving two talent-less rappers that I refuse to mention by name.

My problem with Sharpton's approach is that I feel he's appealing to the wrong authority. He should be taking his grievances to the Justice Department. I do believe it's illegal to shoot someone; forget losing airplay, they should be losing their freedom! To jail, I say!

And jailtime should be mandatory for those on-air miscreants that are fueling these fires of stupidity. If we don't already have laws against this insipid behavior, maybe Congress can spend tonight drafting some? They seem to work better late at night.

More later...

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Urgent Message to Congress: Get Back to Work!

Your tax dollars at work: Yahoo! News - Congress Suggests National Steroid Law

Not to put to light a spin on this, but WHO FREAKING CARES what "professional athletes" do to their bodies? And really, if a so-called "student athlete" wants to use dangerous performance-enhancing drugs, who are we to stop them? Isn't that the job of the parents? And if the kid AND their parents are so hung up on using steroids, despite the attendant risks, shouldn't we let them? After all, there's no law against a minor getting a boob job is there (with parental consent, of course)?

WHY IS THIS AN ISSUE? AND WHY IS CONGRESS WASTING OUR MONEY PURSUING IT? Aren't there more important issues facing us, like our record-breaking trade deficit?

And this IS the same Congress that approved drilling for oil in the Artic, right? They should all be kicked out on their keisters.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Go Wizards!

This one even I can't believe:Yahoo! Sports - NBA - Wizards 95, Lakers 81

As the article says, Washington has SWEPT the Lakers for the first time...ever!

I think the Wizards will go all the way! Yes, I'm crazy... I'm also picking my alma mater George Washington to go all the way in the NCAA tourney!

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Is There Such a Thing as Criminal OverCharging?

This story, at first glance, simply boggles the mind: - KBR spent millions to deliver $82,100 of fuel to Iraq

KBR, a subsidiary of Halliburton, charged America more than $27 million to ship $82,000 worth of liquified petroleum gas to Iraq.

But let's keep in mind that fact that shipping ANYTHING to Iraq is dangerous indeed, particularly that "last mile" segment, where truck convoys are routinely ambushed. According to the article, KBR has had at least 61 employees KILLED in Iraq and Kuwait, "many while delivering fuel." So the $27 million supposedly reflects the free market cost of doing business in a warzone, right?

If so, why are so many people being silent on the issue?

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Friday, March 11, 2005

Truly Disturbing News

When I saw this article, I was nearly at a loss for words:Reuters AlertNet - Health care disparities kill 80,000 blacks-US study

Then I read this sentence: "In 2002, the Institute of Medicine, an independent group, reported that members of racial and ethnic minorities are given lower quality health care than whites even when they make as much money and carry the same insurance."

And it made me wonder, how can this be? Is this not the 21st Century? Is this not America, the greatest country in the world?

And am I myself getting lower quality health care, even though I am solidly middle class and have full health benefits? How does it happen? Does my doctor look at me and decide that he's not going to provide the same level of care that he does to his white patients?

I am finding all of this hard to believe. Then I read this: "Sociologist David Williams of the University of Michigan and colleagues reported in the same issue of Health Affairs that blacks had 30 percent higher death rates from cancer and heart disease than whites did in 2000. In 1950, blacks and whites were equally likely to die from heart disease and blacks had lower death rates from cancer."

This implies the disparity has GROWN WORSE since the '50's! I thought things were supposed to be "getting better"!

Something has to change. NOW.

More later...
Land of the Free... Free to Torture, That Is

Is it legal to use a Taser to force a criminal SUSPECT to submit to a urine test? - News - Police Accused Of Tasering Suspect To Get Urine Sample

What is this country coming to? This kid was only 18. He refused to give a urine sample (is this not a legal right?), and the staff tried to forcibly insert a catheter into his penis. When he refused to hold still, a police officer Taser'd him with 50,000 volts.

Who is the criminal in this scenario?

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Wednesday, March 09, 2005

More Proof that America Hates Its Own Soldiers

I have a friend who has a brother in the Marines. She once told me that her family had to come out of pocket to purchase fatigues for him to wear in Iraq, because the Marine Corp was unable to supply him with more than a couple pair. Needless to say, I was shocked. It turns out that this is now standard operating procedure in today's armed forces. According to the attached article, "Soldiers serving in Iraq and their families have reported buying everything from higher-quality protective gear to armor for their Humvees, medical supplies and even global positioning devices."

After being pressured by Congress, the Defense Department agreed to reimburse the soldiers... but as the article notes, DoD has missed the deadline: Yahoo! News - U.S. Misses Soldier Reimbursement Deadline

My question is simply this: when are we going to get rid of the Keystone Kops that are (badly) running things at the Pentagon?

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Why Isn't This Big News?

Remember the day Saddam Hussein was captured? The media and the government made a big deal about it. You couldn't turn on the TV without hearing about the "spider hole" they found the man in (notwithstanding the fact that no one ever defined the term "spider hole").

Well, it turns out that the story may not be true at all:Ex-Marine Says Public Version of Saddam Capture Fiction

I'm sure the White House will deny this story, IF they even choose to address it. They'll probably say the soldier is "disgruntled" or something like that. Which begs another question: why are our soldiers so "disgruntled" that they'll make up stories like this?

In any case, where is Hussein now? When will he ever get his day in court? Does it even matter?

More later...
Taking Technology to a New Low

Unless you've been living in the woods the past year or so, you have no doubt become familiar with the new trend of "ring tones", the practice of programming one's cellular telephone to ring with a customized sound. Currently, the most popular ring tones are snippets of popular songs. Now this from an adult film company: Sexy Moans for Mobile Phones

Can you imagine if one of these went off in a church?

Now that the pornography industry is involved, I am sure that it will be only a short time before ring tones are banned entirely. Who wants to make a bet?

More later...