Friday, March 25, 2005

Another Failed Presidential Candidate Tilts At Windmills...

What's going on today? Now Al Sharpton is calling for governmental interference... but at least it's not involving Terri Schiavo: Yahoo! News - Sharpton Complains to FCC About Rap Music

Of course, AP's headline is misleading... what else is new?... and I actually applaud the Reverend for taking on this issue. But he's not complaining about the music. He's taking the stand that rap artists involved in violent acts should be denied airplay on "radio and television for 90 days."

And I have to admit I like this next statement: He also urged the agency to fine and review the licenses of radio stations "that encourage a pattern of this, including allowing employees to do on-the-air inciting of violence."

Of course, he's referring to the shooting that occurred outside a New York radio station involving two talent-less rappers that I refuse to mention by name.

My problem with Sharpton's approach is that I feel he's appealing to the wrong authority. He should be taking his grievances to the Justice Department. I do believe it's illegal to shoot someone; forget losing airplay, they should be losing their freedom! To jail, I say!

And jailtime should be mandatory for those on-air miscreants that are fueling these fires of stupidity. If we don't already have laws against this insipid behavior, maybe Congress can spend tonight drafting some? They seem to work better late at night.

More later...

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