Monday, May 02, 2005

The State Intervenes A Little Too Late?

What the heck is going on with personal rights in Florida? First Terry Schiavo, now this, a story about how a judge has prevented a 13-year-old girl from getting an abortion. And Florida is a state in which minors DO NOT need parental permission for abortions!

Let me make it clear: I am not in favor of abortions, but as a pro-choice advocate, I recognize them as legitimate options for pregnant women. The article reports that it was "Florida's department of children and families intervened and took the matter to court, arguing the teenager, who is under the care of the state, is too young and immature to make an informed medical decision." The judge, apparently, agreed.

The picture becomes a little clearer. The obvious question, how did the child become impregnated, is answered: she was under the care of the state. And what a great job they apparently did.

More later...

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