Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Not Good News

Alongside mysterious black helicopters and Area 57, implantable identity chips are commonly mentioned by "conspiracy" buffs as proof of the Apocalypse. Well, here they come: FDA approves use of implantable chip in patients to pass medical information to doctors

According to the article, "It's the first time the FDA has approved medical use of the device, though in Mexico, more than 1,000 scannable chips have been implanted in patients. The chip's serial number pulls up the patients' blood type and other medical information." Soooo, what OTHER types of uses have been approved?

Well, how about shopping? Even NEWSWEEK picked up on this: And there's more like that to come.

Many will undoubtedly say "So what? The government tracks my every movement with my ATM/Debit card anyway. And I don't have anything to hide." Well, bully for you. But keep this one little thing in mind: once we give in to implanted id chips, we open the door for other implantables, some of which will serve to control us in a more proactive manner. Just watch.

More later...

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