Wednesday, October 20, 2004

This is just Unfair

It's 2004 and abortion is legal...unless you're in the military. Our man in the White House, George Bush, reinstated a ban on abortions in military hospitals: Abortion Becomes Issue for Military Now, if a young female soldier were to be raped (um, that wouldn't happen in the U.S. military, would it?) and impregnated, she could get a legal abortion...BUT SHE WOULD HAVE TO PAY FOR IT HERSELF. Similarly, if the pregnancy were life-threatening, a pay-for-service abortion would be available. But that's it.

Now, tell me how that's fair. A soldier NEVER stops being an American citizen, and American citizen's have the right to abortions. So it must be the issue of who pays for it, eh? So a citizen volunteers to serve their country, is sent to a war overseas and is raped and impregnated...what type of society would not pay for her abortion? How cheap and cheesy can we be?

This election is about a lot of things, and how we treat our young men and women in uniform is definitely one of the issues. Don't let them down by continuing the madness.

More later...

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