Monday, November 25, 2002

Christmas by Thanksgiving!

As I was slowly driving through my suburban Dalls neighborhood last night, I noticed that there were already several houses outlined in festive Christmas (or Holiday) lights. Is it just me, or does it seem that each year the Christmas (or Holiday) season starts just a little earlier? We don't even pull our lights and decor out until sometime after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving use to be its own Holiday. Not any more. Thanksgiving is now the pregame show for the real Holiday season. No time to reflect on anything that we may be thankful for. No sir, must get to the mall for the Holiday sale. You must get your lights and tree up so that you can keep up with neighbor Jones (or Goldstein) next door. I mean you can still do the turkey and football thing on Thursday, just as long as you get it in before heading ot the cinema or club that evening. Reflect on all you're thankful for between trips to the wet bar and the dinner table. I like it like this. Who has time for Thanksgiving anyway? Maybe we should just move it out of the way, and officially start the Christmas (yea or holiday) the day after Labor Day weekend. Come to think of it, who needs Labor Day weekend? What if....

If everyone would just take it easy, and be Thankful and celebrate Thanksgiving for what it is ment for, then maybe we wouldn't all be in such a hurry to get the Gap. That is what I was thinking as I continued my trek home. I couldn't wait to tell my wife how we weren't going to be like everyone else in our little suburbia. As I entered our house, my wife and daughter were proudly hanging lights on our Christmas tree. Oh well, there is always next year. And Happy Thanksgiving!

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