Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I think the Senators are Speed Readers

Well, now the U.S. Senate has tossed it's collective hat in the ring, voting 89-2 to pass the so-called "Intelligence Overhaul" bill: Yahoo! News - Congress Passes Historic Spy Agencies Bill

Already I'm hearing nightmare stories about this boondoggle. One story says this bill clears the way for a national identity card. Now, why the hell do we need something like that? I KNOW who I am. I don't need no steenkin' card to identify ME...oh! The authorities want it so THEY can identify me...what, my California driver's license is no good? What about my overused VISA card?

Seriously, what could possibly go wrong with a national identity card program? Well, I'm willing to bet it includes a fingerprint component as well, just in case some of those blue-state liberals decides to turn felon all of a sudden. Oh sure, we can joke about it NOW, but just wait...this bill has got more surprises than, uh, [insert metaphor here].

Sorry about that. Ran out of brainpower...must be something going around, because the same ailment apparently affected 89 U.S. Senators today, too.

More later...

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