Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Welcome to the New Cold War

It makes sense that the first deployment of our missile defense system be on the West Coast. After all, big bad China has had nuclear-tipped Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles for a while now. In fact, the Natural Resources Defense Council estimates that China's current nuclear stockpile includes about 450 nuclear weapons (info from the Nuclear Threat Initiative website: www.nti.org). Not all of these are missiles...some are merely bombs...but you get the point. But are we worried about China lobbing nukes during this era of unprecedented business partnership with the West? Or is it some other Pacific Rim country? North Korea, perhaps?

Do you have any idea of N. Korea's nuclear capability? Well, NTI does. They say that N. Korea has been developing ballistic missiles and "it could deliver a small payload to the western part of the continental United States, although with low confidence in its accuracy."

Exactly how accurate does a nuclear missile have to be? And what do they mean by "small" payload? On this vital detail, the NTI is suspiciously silent.

One would like to hope that the bally-hooed "Intelligence Reform" bill will result in more answers to questions like these. Yeah, right.

More later...

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