Monday, January 17, 2005

Another Story for the "WTF?" File...

While our wonderful Military Industry has come up with some very wonderful ways of killing people who we deem to be enemies, our government has also decided to pursue what are kalled "less-than-lethal" weapons. One of the strangest I have ever heard of is briefly described in the following story:Yahoo! News - Pentagon Spurned Plan to Initiate Enemy Homosexuality

I had to check the date... it's not April yet.

Some at Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio wanted $7.5 million to research developing a chemical weapon that is actuality a "strong aphrodisiac" that could cause homosexual behavior. The idea being that such behavior would have an adverse effect on enemy troop morale.

Either that or make them all lovers.

Whoever dreamed that one up and had the nerve to actually request government funds must have some really brassy balls. Send 'em to Gitmo, I say...

More later...

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