Tuesday, January 04, 2005

These Guys Are Asking For A Lot

After more than a week of horrifying imagery, and over a hundred thousand dead, some of the countries that suffered the most due to the massive underwater earthquake and resulting tidal wave are now asking... for the tourist to return: Yahoo! News - Tsunami-Hit Region Reaches Out to Tourists

You know, I really feel for them, but I don't know if I'll be using my frequent flier miles to head to a discount trip to Thailand anytime soon. Something about the thought of being in a country were they have yet to bury thousands of decomposed corpses sort of gives me the willies. Call me inconsiderate, or a scaredy-cat, whatever... it's going to take some time before I feel comfortable about visiting that area.

They say the weather is good there this time of year. Yeah, I remember those sunny-day videos when the sea reached out and destroyed the land. None for me, thanks.

More later...

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