Thursday, March 06, 2003

Okay, I sit corrected (part 2).

I just KNEW someone would take issue with my claim that Detroit auto designers are in-bred hicks. I got a call from my good friend Mark from Maryland, who wanted to point out that many of the current American designs are done by Italian and Japanese designers. To which I respond: hey bubba, I don't care WHAT nationality those in-bred hicks are, they need to do better than "fugly" cars like the current Chevy Monte Carlo, the Chevy Malibu, the Buick Regal, the Oldsmobile Aurora, the Dodge Neon, the Ford Taurus...and if I keep going on, I won't get anything else done.

I tell you this, the Italian designers hired by Detroit certainly can't compete with a well-known Italian design house like Pininfarina.

More later...

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